Dr. De Neef


The X-Guide is a device for navigation during implant placement. It is, as it were, a "GPS" for implantology.

The X-Guide device registers movements of the oral surgeon and the patient live on the computer screen. The oral surgeon thus has full control over the position of the drill and anatomy, and sees the drill movement very precisely on the screen for more accurate implant placement.

The dynamic focal point makes it easy to place the implants accurately in the intended three-dimensional position. The result: systematically achieving a better functional and esthetic result with outstanding precision.

X-Guide® | X-Nav Technologies® (distributed by Nobel Biocare®)

Our contact information

dr. Bjorn De Neef

Stomatologist , Implantologist , Oral, Maxillofacial and Facial Surgeon


AZ Oudenaarde VZW
Minderbroedersstraat 3
9700 Oudenaarde
Secretariat: +32(0)497 39 13 13

Dental Care Center
Bosdorp 9
9190 Stekene
Secretariat: +32 (0)3 789 27 37